my second practical lesson came down to learning how to use and how to take advantage of the i-macs that the school has.
we started off having to upload the work we had recorded in the previous lesson. we had to do more renting out from the libary but to get a connection wire this time.
we started uploading the video's which was fairly easy to do but the hard part was getting onto a peice of software on the i-mac's because we had to figure a way to convert the clips we had recorded. the software that we where using was the imovies which was extremly easy to use and get your head around. we started shortening and cutting out any parts of clips which wasnt needed and stitched the whole video together and after a good hard hours work the video was looking very nippy, worth doing and something to be proud of.
some problems that we came across though where with the talk scene which we uploaded seperatly, unfortunetly there was some sound problems with it and we all sounded like chipmunks!....
but very quickly we sorted this problem and uploaded the videos again and it worked perk. It was a lucky escape because we didnt have the time to record it all again.
so some things i have learnt from this lesson was parts like using the i-macs, using imovie and also there are not many things that cant be solved when they have gone wrong seeming the technology of the i-macs is so good.
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