my first proper practical lesson started off with a task of recording a conversation peace.
we had to invlove a conversation about what ever we wanted and also include a 180 degree camera shot.
i got put into a group that had a missing memeber which was with ben, jack and neil. the over member of the group was luke but unfortuanetly he was un able to be in the lesson.
so we started off with a plan of what will do for our video, wrote down a sketch of scene by scene lay out....
after this we rented out one a camera with a tri-pod which we would think would be very useful and easy to use when doing our 180 degree shot.
we settled down to start shooting and boys being boys our plan went completely out the window and we started shooting a run scene with quick shoots and a boy drama affect added to it.
we had some scenes that were very short, it inlvolved a long chase with jumping off drops and running through doors. a few camera angles and effects we used were a high angle, slow-motion, 180 degree angle and point of veiw. unfortunetly we never managed to finish our recording in the lesson and had to do more in the next lesson which involved our actually talking part which was were we showed the whole story to the run scene which we had,the story ended up to be abit boring in the end but we couldn't think of anything else. so overall i ended up learning some new camera angles and several ways in which you could use a camera.
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